Give a person in need a nice Christmas feeling
Yesterday we gave you tips on what you can do if you hate Christmas. Unfortunately, these tips will not help and will only be a drop in the ocean or rather a patch for a …
Yesterday we gave you tips on what you can do if you hate Christmas. Unfortunately, these tips will not help and will only be a drop in the ocean or rather a patch for a …
20 years ago we lived in America. I remember the story of Jenny, one of our neighbours. Since then I always carry 2 umbrellas in my car. I ‘ll try to retell her story. It …
Belgium has more than 80 refugee centers for applicants for international protection. The stories of many of these people are sometimes heartbreaking. We often cannot imagine what it is like to live in fear of …
Everyone likes a cup of soup. Vegetable soup contains few calories, fats and cholesterol, but a lot of essential nutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and dietary fibers! Fresh soup is my comfort food and …
Bring fresh soup to a friend, colleague or neighbour Read More »
This may seem a strange suggestion for a blog that gives tips on how to give a smile to others. But your long hair can serve a purpose. When you decide to cut it, you …